The original Mico Chat program is one of the social networking programs on Android devices, through which you can get to know a huge group of friends from all over the world, MICO Chat, by chatting with them with text messages, stickers and emojis for free without paying any fees, and through the program you can enter into Many live broadcast clips, as it is also a platform for publishing live broadcast clips, where you will find many clips that you can enter and share with them, challenges, competitions, and laughter. Which you can use completely free of charge
The MICO Chat program also allows you a community through which you can publish publications, whether they are your own photos to be interacted with by users or text publications. In the community, you will find many user publications that you can interact with by liking or commenting on them, and you can sort these publications however You want where you can sort the publications of people close to you, the most interactive, or random publications. When you click on a specific image, you can download it to your phone and share it on social networking sites. You can also enter any personal page and review all the publications that have been published. You will find the Miko Chat community almost similar to the private publications system. on Facebook